The success of deploying and scaling microservices is heavily dependent on the adoption of__________.
Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) supports the creation of multiple scaling
groups with cluster autoscaler.
Score 2
What kind of data we could collect to Alibaba Cloud ElasticSearch for monitoring App on Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes?
What information can be derived from APM traces in Elasticsearch? (The number of correct answer: 4)
Which of the following statements are correct about Alibaba Cloud Container Registry (ACR)?
(Number of correct answers: 3)
Which of the following options are correct regarding the distributed data cache of Alibaba
Cloud's Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK)? (Number of correct answers: 5)
Score 2
For the deployment of new features in monolith architecture, why does it take longer time than microservices architecture?
What are the benefits using Alibaba Cloud when implementing microservice architecture? (The number of correct answer: 5)
Which of the following statements are correct, regarding ACR EE (Container Registry Enterprise
Edition)'s security? (Number of correct answers: 3)
How to design Microservices in monolith architecture? (The number of correct answer: 4)
Which of the following statements are correct about running AI or Big Data related tasks on
Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK)? (Number of correct answers: 4)
Score 2
Which of the following options are ASK (serverless cluster)? (Number of correct answers: 2)
What are the scenarios in managing multiple K8s Cluster in Hybrid & Multi Cloud Environment?
Which types of Volume are supported by Alibaba Serverless Kubernetes (ASK)? (Number of
correct answers: 3)
Score 2
Which of the following features options has released on Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch? (The number of correct answer: 3)