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AgilePM-Practitioner Agile Project Management (AgilePM) Practitioner Exam Questions and Answers

Questions 4

For cognitive learning, which is the BEST example of providing 'learning feedback'?



Giving supervisor feedback on return to work.


Testing before and after learning.


Reviewing learners’ ideas in a group discussion.


Discussion at the learners' next annual performance reviews.

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Questions 5

The Change Manager is discussing the relocation of the Selco staff to the UniCo office with the Operations Director. They are using the SCARF framework of people's social experience to guide management actions. Answer the following questions about the use of David Rock’s SCARF framework to increase the motivation for change.

One aim of the relocation is to develop a less hierarchical culture. The relocation team hear that staff believe managers are still getting special treatment in the allocation of desks. To mitigate this concern, they have planned for groups to move separately over a few weeks and have communicated details with each group independently.

Is this an appropriate approach to reward the brain in the need for ‘fairness,’ and why?



No, because ‘fairness’ relies on providing appropriate access to all relevant change information.


No, because ‘fairness’ should be based on establishing equality across all staff.


Yes, because small change steps will focus staff on changes that relate only to them.


Yes, because frequent communications will help discourage emotional responses.

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Questions 6

Using the information provided in the additional information, answer the following question on building a change analytics strategy.

Do the measures to be monitored by the Sales Director represent appropriate measures for assessing change readiness?



No, because change readiness measures should consist of mostly quantitative measures.


No, because change readiness should be monitored using the change programme plan.


Yes, because the Sales Director has identified measures that require new data sources.


Yes, because these metrics provide opinions collected via mostly qualitative methods.

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Questions 7

The Legal Specialist has reviewed the plans for the rebranding work and has assessed how this will affect current and future contracts. They are now pressing the Change Manager to establish the deadlines and to schedule when their input will be most needed.

Which preference does this behavior BEST display?










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Questions 8

Answer the following question about different language style preferences

identified by Pashler et. al. using VARK preferences.

As part of the Capability and skills development workstream, the Human

Resources (HR) Manager is considering the training needs of staff

managers undertaking staff appraisals. The HR Manager is designing the

learning activities so that they will appeal to differing ways for receiving

and processing information.

Column 1 is a list of learning activities that could be used to develop the staff.

For each learning activity in Column 1, select from Column 2 the VARK

preference to which it relates. Each selection from Column 2 can be used

once, more than once or not at all.

AgilePM-Practitioner Question 8

AgilePM-Practitioner Question 8


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Questions 9

Which statement should be recorded under the Change Management Team and Relationships heading?



The training available to UniCo staff needs to be realigned to include mobile application technology, so that the necessary skills are developed to support customers.


The CEO seems to be a little concerned about taking the company in a different direction and his reservations need to be addressed.


The Project Management Office has offered to provide support in planning, scheduling, monitoring, and control.


The Sales staff need to understand how the changes will lead to greater opportunities for increased commissions before they are likely to participate.

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Questions 10

Which is the BEST reason to remind learners of related knowledge or skill they already possess?



Enables learners to understand how they learn.


Helps learners plan to use immediately what they learn.


Increases learners’ understanding of what the new learning will enable them to do.


Reduces learners’ concerns about new learning.

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Questions 11

Answer the following question about Schein's concept of survival and learning


Column 1 is a list of messages about the change given to Sales staff. For each

message in Column 1, select from Column 2 the appropriate element of

Schein's concept of survival and learning anxieties. Each selection from

Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.

AgilePM-Practitioner Question 11

AgilePM-Practitioner Question 11


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Questions 12

Using the additional information provided for this question in the

Scenario Booklet, answer the following question about using Kotter's

eight-processes cyclical model. This model is being used for planning

and leading the change required to rebrand and reposition UniCo in the

market place.

Lines 1 to 4 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason

statement. For each line identify the appropriate option, from options A to E,

that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not at all.

AgilePM-Practitioner Question 12

AgilePM-Practitioner Question 12

AgilePM-Practitioner Question 12


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Questions 13

Which statement should be recorded under the Lessons from previous change initiatives heading?



UniCo has always been seen in the marketplace as being traditional and cautious.


UniCo has always successfully used customer journey mapping for educating staff in customer needs.


A new software development platform is needed to integrate the new services into operational processes.


The renewal of the lease for the office housing Selco staff is due in fifteen months’ time.

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Questions 14

The Change Manager has read Goleman's articles on the Hay-McBer six dimension model of organization climate. This gives leaders practical ways that

leadership style can improve organizational culture and performance as measured by staff surveys.

Answer the following question about recommendations a change manager could make to the CEO applying these six dimensions to improve climate across the


Column 1 is a list of recommendations the Change Manager has made to the CEO seeking to initiate or support a change in the organizational culture. For each

recommendation in Column 1, select from Column 2 the 'dimension' in organizational climate MOST likely to improve as a result. Each selection from Column 2 can be

used once, more than once or not at all.

AgilePM-Practitioner Question 14

AgilePM-Practitioner Question 14


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Questions 15

Column 1 is a list of actions taken within the project. For each action in Column 1, select from Column 2 the iterative development activity that the action represents. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.

Column 1:

1.The Solution Development Team cleared and prepared the area, ready for the bar infrastructure to be installed.

2.The Gardener decided the order in which the flowers would be planted in the borders and jotted it down in a notebook.

3.Before the Solution Development Team built the infrastructure for the bar area, the Architect pointed out what was required.

4.The Architect checked with the decorators that tasks had been completed to a satisfactory standard, and agreed a list of items that needed further coats of paint or cleaning up.

5.The Gardener began planting the borders and has placed an order for further bulbs to complete this task.

Column 2:

A) Thought

B) Action

C) Conversation

AgilePM-Practitioner Question 15


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Questions 16

Answer the following questions about the acceptance criteria within the project.

Decide whether the approach to setting and using acceptance criteria has been applied appropriately and select the response that supports your decision.

At the beginning of Solution Development Timebox A, the Timebox is being

planned in detail. Although Foundations was conducted at a high level, the

Prioritised Requirements List was baselined. Now the Solution Development

Team is setting detailed acceptance criteria against each requirement.

Is this an appropriate approach to setting detailed acceptance criteria?



Yes, because acceptance criteria can only be understood at a high level during Foundations and will always need further investigation.


Yes, because the Solution Development Team members will be setting acceptance criteria for the first time during Solution Development Timebox A.


No, because the Solution Development Team should NOT be involved in setting acceptance criteria.


No, because acceptance criteria should be set in detail against each requirement during Foundations.

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Questions 17

What action should the Project Manager take during the Close-Out of Timebox C?



Remove 'Aspects' from the supplier list for all future projects.


Carry out final checks to ensure the deliverables of Timebox C meet the expected standards.


Ensure that lessons are learned so that similar issues do not occur in future Timeboxes.


Initiate the work required to complete the windows to the required standard.

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Questions 18

How should the lack of provision of a fire escape from the upstairs of the building in Timebox B initially be dealt with?



The Solution Development Team should revise the Timebox Plans for Timeboxes B and C.


The Solution Development Team should commence understanding and delivering the new requirement.


The Architect, in the role of Technical Co-ordinator, should escalate the issue to Architecture Angels' Senior Management Team.


The Project Manager should escalate the issue to the Marketing Director, who is in the role of Business Visionary.

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Questions 19

Which 2 statements describe the appropriate application of Agile Project Management when developing the Prioritised Requirements List during Feasibility?



Details of which areas will require seeding in order to become lawn, and which are to become planted borders, should be captured.


The re-laying of the driveway and a landscaping solution should be listed as Must Have requirements.


The scope of the project should be agreed before moving into the Foundations phase.


The responsibility for setting the priority of each of the requirements identified should be assigned to the Project Manager.


Regulatory obligations associated with the redevelopment of Hoy Hall should be recorded as Must Have requirements.

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Questions 20

Answer the following questions about the acceptance criteria within the project.

Decide whether the approach to setting and using acceptance criteria has been applied appropriately and select the response that supports your decision.

When specifying high-level prioritised requirements during Foundations, the Business Visionary has suggested that acceptance criteria for the requirement to "temporarily weatherproof the roof" should NOT be set until Solution Development Timebox A.

Is this an appropriate approach to setting high-level acceptance criteria?



Yes, because the Local Planning Authority Officer will set the acceptance criteria.


Yes, because acceptance criteria are NOT set before the Timeboxed work is started.


No, because by the end of Foundations the quality expectations and overall acceptance criteria for at least the first increment should have been set, and high-level acceptance criteria set for later increments.


No, because a Review Session should have been scheduled during Feasibility to enable the Solution Development Team to validate their understanding of the Local Planning Authority Officer's expectations.

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Questions 21

During Timebox B, the 'Hoy for Hoy Hall'Action Group disagreed about the planned outcome of the Timebox. The Project Manager organised a Facilitated Workshop to re-

engage this group and explore discrepancies in understanding.

Is this an appropriate application of Agile Project Management for this project?



Yes, because Facilitated Workshops provide a forum for each member of the team to present a short progress report.


Yes, because discussing requirements in the presence of other stakeholders increases the whole group's awareness.


No, because the Project Manager should have escalated this disagreement as an issue before any action was taken.


No, because the local Action Group should have attended the Daily Stand-up meetings.

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Questions 22

Review sessions have been scheduled at end of Investigation, Refinement and Consolidation for the later Timeboxes to ensure that the mistakes made in Timebox A do not

happen again.

Which Agile principle MOST influences this course of action?



Focus on the business need.


Deliver on time.


Build incrementally from firm foundations.


Demonstrate control.

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Questions 23

Using the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following questions about the requirement for a fire exit from the

upstairs of the building.

What is an appropriate reason to classify the need for a secondary exit from the upstairs of the building as a Must Have requirement?



Provision of a secondary exit from the upstairs of the building will ensure compliance with national fire safety regulations.


A secondary exit from the upstairs of the building would help ease congestion in busy periods during festivals.


A secondary exit from the upstairs of the building will provide a shorter and more direct route into the garden than the main stairway.


The requirement for a secondary exit from the upstairs of the building has to be made a higher priority in order to be moved to an earlier Timebox.

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Questions 24

Answer the following questions about the tracking and control activities carried out within the project.

Decide whether each activity has been applied appropriately and select the response that supports your decision.

During Foundations, the key stakeholders had very different views about the content and prioritisation for the high-level requirements. As a result, the Project Manager

organized a Facilitated Workshop with the project team to discuss and agree the requirements.

Is this an appropriate application of Agile Project Management for this project?



Yes, because discussing requirements in the presence of project stakeholders will promote communication and buy-in.


Yes, because this will allow each team member working in a Timebox to raise any issues which may hinder their progress.


No, because early and frequent delivery of the product features will on its own be sufficient to maintain engagement with the stakeholders.


No, because a Review Session should have been scheduled to enable the Solution Development Team to validate their understanding of the stakeholders'


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Questions 25

The Business Sponsor threatened to stop funding if there was no evidence of tangible progress. To reduce this risk, the Business Sponsor was invited to several walk-

rounds of the new bedroom and en-suite bathroom facilities throughout the project.

Is this an appropriate application of Agile Project Management for this project?



Yes, because the early and frequent demonstration of product features to the Business Sponsor increases the visibility of the project and keeps the business engaged.


Yes, because the project's budget holder is the only person who can approve project products.


No, because products should be handed over at the end of the project, during Post-Project.


No, because the Daily Stand-up meetings should have allowed the key representatives to review and discuss the evolving solution.

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Questions 26

Which 2 statements explain why the Architecture Angels' Marketing Director would be an appropriate Business Visionary?



Is a friend of the Architecture Angels' Chief Executive.


Is fully committed to changing the company's strategic direction to include hotel renovation.


Is one of the original four founders of the company.


As a Director, will ensure that the project is NOT driven by the cost-consciousness of the Finance Director in the role of Business Sponsor.


Has a passion for old buildings and can see the potential for business opportunity.

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Questions 27

Answer the following questions about the acceptance criteria within the project.

Decide whether the approach to setting and using acceptance criteria has been applied appropriately and select the response that supports your decision.

The requirement to 'install a heat reclamation system' shows as a Should Have in the Prioritised Requirements List. During Investigation in Solution Development Timebox B, the Project Manager advised the team NOT to set detailed acceptance criteria for this requirement until later in the Timebox, since the requirement may have to be dropped and the work would be wasted.

Is this an appropriate action related to acceptance criteria?



Yes, because only Must Have requirements should be fully understood.


Yes, because the acceptance criteria might need to be changed during the Solution Development Timebox.


No, because it is necessary to understand the full detail of all the work for completion in the Solution Development Timebox during Investigation.


No, because it indicates that the Solution Development Team has NO intention of delivering the Should Have requirements.

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Questions 28

Which 2 statements explain why the Timber Tigers' Site Manager would be an appropriate Solution Developer?



Accustomed to bringing in contract staff for short periods of time.


Closely manages the building team so that they consistently produce high-quality work.


Is able to represent the team in all daily meetings.


An experienced builder who is good at turning a brief into a practical design.


Is empowered by Timber Tigers' management to make decisions on the building work.

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Questions 29

Xan Insurance Company operates from one location - a large, open-plan

office in the centre of a city. Those employees that will be working within the

Solution Development Team are all based in this office but work at different

ends of the office in separate departments.

What action should the Project Manager suggest to ensure the most effective

collaboration of the Solution Development Team?



Create an email group for the Solution Development Team to collaborate

on ideas.


Set up a telephone or video conferencing facility so that all members of

the team can collaborate effectively.


Relocate these employees to a new project area, with a number of desks

where the Solution Development Team can sit together.


No action required as these employees are located in the same office.

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Questions 30

Which 2 actions should the Technical Coordinator take to implement the new

Must Have requirement?



Ensure that the latest version of the website design in the Solution

Architecture Definition is provided to all members of the Solution

Development Team.


Assess the impact of the new Must Have requirement on the original

Business Case.


Add the additional tasks required to create the financial transaction

functionality to the Timebox Plan.


Consolidate and circulate an agenda for the workshop.


Check for any documented standards which need to be applied to the

development of online financial transaction functionality.

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Questions 31

Which 2 actions should the Team Leader take to implement the new Must

Have requirement?



Consolidate and circulate an agenda for the workshop.


Add the additional tasks required to create the financial transaction

functionality to the Timebox Plan.


Discuss the development interfaces and dependencies with the Solution

Development Team to ensure the associated Timebox is appropriate.


Agree to de-scope Should Have and/or Could Have requirements to allow

for the new Must Have functionality.


Source and hire a web developer with experience in developing online

financial transaction functionality.

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Questions 32

Which 2 actions should the Project Manager take to implement the new Must

Have requirement?



Check for any documented standards which need to be applied to the

development of online financial transaction functionality.


Add the tasks required to develop the new financial transaction

functionality to the Delivery Plan.


Update the Delivery Plan to show the new financial transaction

functionality as a deliverable.


Source and hire a web developer with experience in developing online

financial transaction functionality.


Consolidate and circulate an agenda for the workshop.

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Questions 33

Several of the web developers working on the project have no Agile

experience. When answering the questions in the Project Approach

Questionnaire (PAQ), the Project Manager could not agree with the statement

'all members of the project understand and accept the DSDM approach'.

What action should the Project Manager take?



Replace the web developers with experienced Agile practitioners.


Agree with the statement in the PAQ and keep a close watch on the web

developers throughout the project.


Organize a training workshop to brief all project-level and Solution

Development Team roles in the Agile approach.


Accept that the web developers are experts in their field and will be

adopting their own approach throughout the project.

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Questions 34

Resources are limited. The Sales Manager has two marketing assistants who

may be able to give a few hours a week between them to the project.

What action should the Project Manager take?



Try to secure formal agreement as to how many hours per week the

marketing assistants will spend on the project.


Accept that members of the Solution Development Team will be



Make each Timebox as long as possible to ensure the marketing

assistants have enough time to complete any work allocated to them

within the boundaries of the Timebox.


Schedule the two marketing assistants to work at different times so they

can hand matters over to one another.

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Questions 35

Answer the following questions about actions to be taken by different


The Business Sponsor has decided that the new coffee shop insurance

product website pages will include the financial transaction functionality to

support the end-to-end sales process. The Business Sponsor views this as a

valuable sales tool, enabling customers to pay for insurance policies online. If

successful, this new financial transaction functionality is to be made available

across all other insurance products. This is a new Must Have requirement.

All parties are to be invited to a workshop to discuss the additional work

required to deliver the required solution including the new Must Have

requirement. The areas to be discussed include specialist skills required and

possible legal, financial and technical standards to be adhered to.

Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in

each question.

Which 2 actions should the Business Sponsor take to implement the new Must

Have requirement?



Check for any documented standards which need to be applied to the

development of online financial transaction functionality.


Check the viability of the project, following the inclusion of the new Must

Have requirement.


Source and hire a web developer with experience in developing online

financial transaction functionality.


Send a company-wide communication to explain the implications of the

business change to all interested parties.


Assess the impact of the new Must Have requirement on the original

Business Case.

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Questions 36

Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for

this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following question

about assigning the Agile Project Management team roles within this


Lines 1 to 5 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a

reason statement. For each line identify the appropriate option, from options

A to E. that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not

at all.

AgilePM-Practitioner Question 36


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Questions 37

Answer the following questions about the contents of the DSDM


Each of the following questions includes true statements about the project

but only two statements are appropriate entries for the DSDM product


Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in

each question.

Which 2 statements represent appropriate entries for the Business Case?



A list of high-level functional and non-functional requirements that the

project should meet written as User Stories.


Coffee shops that sell Fairtrade products and alcohol from local breweries

out perform other coffee shops in the market.


The Sales Manager has been asked to produce a report within the next

two days showing the number of generic insurance policies sold to coffee

shops over the past three years.


The Sales Manager has calculated that the new coffee shop insurance

product will increase revenues by 10% each week.


Market research shows that the number of coffee shop patrons taking

legal action against retailers has increased by 200% over the past two


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Questions 38

Which 2 actions should the Workshop Facilitator take to implement the new

Must Have requirement?



Add the tasks required to develop the new financial transaction

functionality to the Delivery Plan.


Consolidate and circulate an agenda for the workshop.


Send a company-wide communication to explain the implications of the

business change to all interested parties.


Assess the impact of the additional development costs on the original

Business Case.


Encourage all parties to contribute, irrespective of their views.

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Questions 39

The Solution Development Team are progressing through the first Structured


What should the Project Manager do to lead the team at this time?



Maintain a tight control on progress, recording all discussions and making

all decisions.


The Project Manager should do nothing during a Timebox.


Attend the Daily Stand-up and discuss any problems at the end.


Update the Team Board with a summary of team progress and the current

status of work.

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Questions 40

Which 2 actions should the Business Visionary take to implement the new

Must Have requirement?



Send a company-wide communication to explain the implications of the

business change to all interested parties.


Assess the impact of the new Must Have requirement on the original

Business Case.


Source and hire a web developer with experience in developing online

financial transaction functionality.


Ensure the marketing and sales teams are working together to deliver the

most effective outcome.


Consolidate and circulate an agenda for the workshop.

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Exam Name: Agile Project Management (AgilePM) Practitioner Exam
Last Update: Mar 23, 2025
Questions: 134

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