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AIGP Artificial Intelligence Governance Professional Questions and Answers

Questions 4

A U.S. mortgage company developed an Al platform that was trained using anonymized details from mortgage applications, including the applicant’s education, employment and demographic information, as well as from subsequent payment or default information. The Al platform will be used automatically grant or deny new mortgage applications, depending on whether the platform views an applicant as presenting a likely risk of default.

Which of the following laws is NOT relevant to this use case?



Fair Housing Act.


Fair Credit Reporting Act.


Equal Credit Opportunity Act.


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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Questions 5


Please use the following answer the next question:

ABC Corp, is a leading insurance provider offering a range of coverage options to individuals. ABC has decided to utilize artificial intelligence to streamline and improve its customer acquisition and underwriting process, including the accuracy and efficiency of pricing policies.

ABC has engaged a cloud provider to utilize and fine-tune its pre-trained, general purpose large language model (“LLM”). In particular, ABC intends to use its historical customer data—including applications, policies, and claims—and proprietary pricing and risk strategies to provide an initial qualification assessment of potential customers, which would then be routed tA. human underwriter for final review.

ABC and the cloud provider have completed training and testing the LLM, performed a readiness assessment, and made the decision to deploy the LLM into production. ABC has designated an internal compliance team to monitor the model during the first month, specifically to evaluate the accuracy, fairness, and reliability of its output. After the first month in production, ABC realizes that the LLM declines a higher percentage of women's loan applications due primarily to women historically receiving lower salaries than men.

The best approach to enable a customer who wants information on the Al model's parameters for underwriting purposes is to provide?



A transparency notice.


An opt-out mechanism.


Detailed terms of service.


Customer service support.

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Questions 6

Random forest algorithms are in what type of machine learning model?









Natural language processing.

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Questions 7

According to the GDPR, an individual has the right to have a human confirm or replace an automated decision unless that automated decision?



Is authorized with the data subject s explicit consent.


Is authorized by applicable Ell law and includes suitable safeguards.


Is deemed to solely benefit the individual and includes documented legitimate interests.


Is necessary for entering into or performing under a contract between the data subject and data controller.

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Questions 8


Please use the following answer the next question:

ABC Corp, is a leading insurance provider offering a range of coverage options to individuals. ABC has decided to utilize artificial intelligence to streamline and improve its customer acquisition and underwriting process, including the accuracy and efficiency of pricing policies.

ABC has engaged a cloud provider to utilize and fine-tune its pre-trained, general purpose large language model (“LLM”). In particular, ABC intends to use its historical customer data—including applications, policies, and claims—and proprietary pricing and risk strategies to provide an initial qualification assessment of potential customers, which would then be routed .. human underwriter for final review.

ABC and the cloud provider have completed training and testing the LLM, performed a readiness assessment, and made the decision to deploy the LLM into production. ABC has designated an internal compliance team to monitor the model during the first month, specifically to evaluate the accuracy, fairness, and reliability of its output. After the first month in production, ABC realizes that the LLM declines a higher percentage of women's loan applications due primarily to women historically receiving lower salaries than men.

During the first month when ABC monitors the model for bias, it is most important to?



Continue disparity testing.


Analyze the quality of the training and testing data.


Compare the results to human decisions prior to deployment.


Seek approval from management for any changes to the model.

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Questions 9

Each of the following actors are typically engaged in the Al development life cycle EXCEPT?



Data architects.


Government regulators.


Socio-cultural and technical experts.


Legal and privacy governance experts.

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Questions 10


Please use the following answer the next question:

ABC Corp, is a leading insurance provider offering a range of coverage options to individuals. ABC has decided to utilize artificial intelligence to streamline and improve its customer acquisition and underwriting process, including the accuracy and efficiency of pricing policies.

ABC has engaged a cloud provider to utilize and fine-tune its pre-trained, general purpose large language model (“LLM”). In particular, ABC intends to use its historical customer data—including applications, policies, and claims—and proprietary pricing and risk strategies to provide an initial qualification assessment of potential customers, which would then be routed tA. human underwriter for final review.

ABC and the cloud provider have completed training and testing the LLM, performed a readiness assessment, and made the decision to deploy the LLM into production. ABC has designated an internal compliance team to monitor the model during the first month, specifically to evaluate the accuracy, fairness, and reliability of its output. After the first month in production, ABC realizes that the LLM declines a higher percentage of women's loan applications due primarily to women historically receiving lower salaries than men.

Each of the following steps would support fairness testing by the compliance team during the first month in production EXCEPT?



Validating a similar level of decision-making across different demographic groups.


Providing the loan applicants with information about the model capabilities and limitations.


Identifying if additional training data should be collected for specific demographic groups.


Using tools to help understand factors that may account for differences in decision-making.

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Questions 11

An EU bank intends to launch a multi-modal Al platform for customer engagement and automated decision-making assist with the opening of bank accounts. The platform has been subject to thorough risk assessments and testing, where it proves to be effective in not discriminating against any individual on the basis of a protected class.

What additional obligations must the bank fulfill prior to deployment?



The bank must obtain explicit consent from users under the privacy Directive.


The bank must disclose how the Al system works under the Ell Digital Services Act.


The bank must subject the Al system an adequacy decision and publish its appropriate safeguards.


The bank must disclose the use of the Al system and implement suitable measures for users to contest automated decision-making.

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Questions 12

All of the following are common optimization techniques in deep learning to determine weights that represent the strength of the connection between artificial neurons EXCEPT?



Gradient descent, which initially sets weights arbitrary values, and then at each step changes them.


Momentum, which improves the convergence speed and stability of neural network training.


Autoregression, which analyzes and makes predictions about time-series data.


Backpropagation, which starts from the last layer working backwards.

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Questions 13


Please use the following answer the next question:

Good Values Corporation (GVC) is a U.S. educational services provider that employs teachers to create and deliver enrichment courses for high school students. GVC has learned that many of its teacher employees are using generative Al to create the enrichment courses, and that many of the students are using generative Al to complete their assignments.

In particular, GVC has learned that the teachers they employ used open source large language models (“LLM”) to develop an online tool that customizes study questions for individual students. GVC has also discovered that an art teacher has expressly incorporated the use of generative Al into the curriculum to enable students to use prompts to create digital art.

GVC has started to investigate these practices and develop a process to monitor any use of generative Al, including by teachers and students, going forward.

What is the best reason for GVC to offer students the choice to utilize generative Al in limited, defined circumstances?



Toenable students to learn how to manage their time.


Toenable students to learn about performing research.


Toenable students to learn about practical applications of Al.


Toenable students to learn how to use Al as a supportive

educational tool.

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Questions 14


Please use the following answer the next question:

Good Values Corporation (GVC) is a U.S. educational services provider that employs teachers to create and deliver enrichment courses for high school students. GVC has learned that many of its teacher employees are using generative Al to create the enrichment courses, and that many of the students are using generative Al to complete their assignments.

In particular, GVC has learned that the teachers they employ used open source large language models (“LLM”) to develop an online tool that customizes study questions for individual students. GVC has also discovered that an art teacher has expressly incorporated the use of generative Al into the curriculum to enable students to use prompts to create digital art.

GVC has started to investigate these practices and develop a process to monitor any use of generative Al, including by teachers and students, going forward.

Which of the following risks should be of the highest concern to individual teachers using generative Al to ensure students learn the course material?



Financial cost.


Model accuracy.


Technical complexity.


Copyright infringement.

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Questions 15

Which of the following most encourages accountability over Al systems?



Determining the business objective and success criteria for the Al project.


Performing due diligence on third-party Al training and testing data.


Defining the roles and responsibilities of Al stakeholders.


Understanding Al legal and regulatory requirements.

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Questions 16


Please use the following answer the next question:

XYZ Corp., a premier payroll services company that employs thousands of people globally, is embarking on a new hiring campaign and wants to implement policies and procedures to identify and retain the best talent. The new talent will help the company's product team expand its payroll offerings to companies in the healthcare and transportation sectors, including in Asia.

It has become time consuming and expensive for HR to review all resumes, and they are concerned that human reviewers might be susceptible to bias.

Address these concerns, the company is considering using a third-party Al tool to screen resumes and assist with hiring. They have been talking to several vendors about possibly obtaining a third-party Al-enabled hiring solution, as long as it would achieve its goals and comply with all applicable laws.

The organization has a large procurement team that is responsible for the contracting of technology solutions. One of the procurement team's goals is to reduce costs, and it often prefers lower-cost solutions. Others within the company are responsible for integrating and deploying technology solutions into the organization's operations in a responsible, cost-effective manner.

The organization is aware of the risks presented by Al hiring tools and wants to mitigate them. It also questions how best to organize and train its existing personnel to use the Al hiring tool responsibly. Their concerns are heightened by the fact that relevant laws vary across jurisdictions and continue to change.

If XYZ does not deploy and use the Al hiring tool responsibly in the United States, its liability would likely increase under all of the following laws EXCEPT?





Product liability laws.


Accessibility laws.


Privacy laws.

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Questions 17


Please use the following answer the next question:

A local police department in the United States procured an Al system to monitor and analyze social media feeds, online marketplaces and other sources of public information to detect evidence of illegal activities (e.g., sale of drugs or stolen goods). The Al system works by surveilling the public sites in order to identify individuals that are likely to have committed a crime. It cross-references the individuals against data maintained by law enforcement and then assigns a percentage score of the likelihood of criminal activity based on certain factors like previous criminal history, location, time, race and gender.

The police department retained a third-party consultant assist in the procurement process, specifically to evaluate two finalists. Each of the vendors provided information about their system's accuracy rates, the diversity of their training data and how their system works. The consultant determined that the first vendor’s system has a higher accuracy rate and based on this information, recommended this vendor to the police department.

The police department chose the first vendor and implemented its Al system. As part of the implementation, the department and consultant created a usage policy for the system, which includes training police officers on how the system works and how to incorporate it into their investigation process.

The police department has now been using the Al system for a year. An internal review has found that every time the system scored a likelihood of criminal activity at or above 90%, the police investigation subsequently confirmed that the individual had, in fact, committed a crime. Based on these results, the police department wants to forego investigations for cases where the Al system gives a score of at least 90% and proceed directly with an arrest.

When notifying an accused perpetrator, what additional information should a police officer provide about the use of the Al system?



Information about the accuracy of the Al system.


Information about how the accused can oppose the charges.


Information about the composition of the training data of the system.


Information about how the individual was identified by the Al system.

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Questions 18

To maintain fairness in a deployed system, it is most important to?



Protect against loss of personal data in the model.


Monitor for data drift that may affect performance and accuracy.


Detect anomalies outside established metrics that require new training data.


Optimize computational resources and data to ensure efficiency and scalability.

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Questions 19

What is the best reason for a company adopt a policy that prohibits the use of generative Al?



Avoid using technology that cannot be monetized.


Avoid needing to identify and hire qualified resources.


Avoid the time necessary to train employees on acceptable use.


Avoid accidental disclosure to its confidential and proprietary information.

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Questions 20

Training data is best defined as a subset of data that is used to?



Enable a model to detect and learn patterns.


Fine-tune a model to improve accuracy and prevent overfitting.


Detect the initial sources of biases to mitigate prior to deployment.


Resemble the structure and statistical properties of production data.

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Questions 21

What is the term for an algorithm that focuses on making the best choice achieve an immediate objective at a particular step or decision point, based on the available information and without regard for the longer-term best solutions?










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Questions 22

What is the technique to remove the effects of improperly used data from an ML system?



Data cleansing.


Model inversion.


Data de-duplication.


Model disgorgement.

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Questions 23

All of the following are included within the scope of post-deployment Al maintenance EXCEPT?



Ensuring that all model components are subject a control framework.


Dedicating experts to continually monitor the model output.


Evaluating the need for an audit under certain standards.


Defining thresholds to conduct new impact assessments.

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Questions 24

What is the best method to proactively train an LLM so that there is mathematical proof that no specific piece of training data has more than a negligible effect on the model or its output?





Transfer learning.


Differential privacy.


Data compartmentalization.

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Questions 25


Please use the following answer the next question:

A local police department in the United States procured an Al system to monitor and analyze social media feeds, online marketplaces and other sources of public information to detect evidence of illegal activities (e.g., sale of drugs or stolen goods). The Al system works by surveilling the public sites in order to identify individuals that are likely to have committed a crime. It cross-references the individuals against data maintained by law enforcement and then assigns a percentage score of the likelihood of criminal activity based on certain factors like previous criminal history, location, time, race and gender.

The police department retained a third-party consultant assist in the procurement process, specifically to evaluate two finalists. Each of the vendors provided information about their system's accuracy rates, the diversity of their training data and how their system works. The consultant determined that the first vendor’s system has a higher accuracy rate and based on this information, recommended this vendor to the police department.

The police department chose the first vendor and implemented its Al system. As part of the implementation, the department and consultant created a usage policy for the system, which includes training police officers on how the system works and how to incorporate it into their investigation process.

The police department has now been using the Al system for a year. An internal review has found that every time the system scored a likelihood of criminal activity at or above 90%, the police investigation subsequently confirmed that the individual had, in fact, committed a crime. Based on these results, the police department wants to forego investigations for cases where the Al system gives a score of at least 90% and proceed directly with an arrest.

During the procurement process, what is the most likely reason that the third-party consultant asked each vendor for information about the diversity of their datasets?



To comply with applicable law.


To assist the fairness of the Al system.


To evaluate the reliability of the Al system.


To determine the explainability of the Al system.

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Questions 26


Please use the following answer the next question:

A local police department in the United States procured an Al system to monitor and analyze social media feeds, online marketplaces and other sources of public information to detect evidence of illegal activities (e.g., sale of drugs or stolen goods). The Al system works by surveilling the public sites in order to identify individuals that are likely to have committed a crime. It cross-references the individuals against data maintained by law enforcement and then assigns a percentage score of the likelihood of criminal activity based on certain factors like previous criminal history, location, time, race and gender.

The police department retained a third-party consultant assist in the procurement process, specifically to evaluate two finalists. Each of the vendors provided information about their system's accuracy rates, the diversity of their training data and how their system works. The consultant determined that the first vendor’s system has a higher accuracy rate and based on this information, recommended this vendor to the police department.

The police department chose the first vendor and implemented its Al system. As part of the implementation, the department and consultant created a usage policy for the system, which includes training police officers on how the system works and how to incorporate it into their investigation process.

The police department has now been using the Al system for a year. An internal review has found that every time the system scored a likelihood of criminal activity at or above 90%, the police investigation subsequently confirmed that the individual had, in fact, committed a crime. Based on these results, the police department wants to forego investigations for cases where the Al system gives a score of at least 90% and proceed directly with an arrest.

What is the best reason the police department should continue to perform investigations even if the Al system scores an individual's likelihood of criminal activity at or above 90%?



Because the department did not perform an impact assessment for this intended use.


Because Al systems that affect fundamental civil rights should not be fully automated.


Because investigations may identify additional individuals involved in the crime.


Because investigations may uncover information relevant to sentencing.

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Questions 27

The White House Executive Order from November 2023 requires companies that develop dual-use foundation models to provide reports to the federal government about all of the following EXCEPT?



Any current training or development of dual-use foundation models.


The results of red-team testing of each dual-use foundation model.


Any environmental impact study for each dual-use foundation model.


The physical and cybersecurity protection measures of their dual-use foundation models.

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Questions 28


Please use the following answer the next question:

A mid-size US healthcare network has decided to develop an Al solution to detect a type of cancer that is most likely arise in adults. Specifically, the healthcare network intends to create a recognition algorithm that will perform an initial review of all imaging and then route records a radiologist for secondary review pursuant agreed-upon criteria (e.g., a confidence score below a threshold).

To date, the healthcare network has taken the following steps: defined its Al ethical principles: conducted discovery to identify the intended uses and success criteria for the system: established an Al governance committee; assembled a broad, crossfunctional team with clear roles and responsibilities; and created policies and procedures to document standards, workflows, timelines and risk thresholds during the project.

The healthcare network intends to retain a cloud provider to host the solution and a consulting firm to help develop the algorithm using the healthcare network's existing data and de-identified data that is licensed from a large US clinical research partner.

Which stakeholder group is most important in selecting the specific type of algorithm?



The cloud provider.


The consulting firm.


The healthcare network'sdata science team.


The healthcare network's Al governance committee.

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Questions 29

Which of the following elements of feature engineering is most important to mitigate the potential bias in an Al system?



Feature selection.


Feature validation.


Feature transformation.


Feature importance analysis.

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Questions 30

What is the main purpose of accountability structures under the Govern function of the NIST Al Risk Management Framework?



To empower and train appropriate cross-functional teams.


To establish diverse, equitable and inclusive processes.


To determine responsibility for allocating budgetary resources.


To enable and encourage participation by external stakeholders.

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Exam Code: AIGP
Exam Name: Artificial Intelligence Governance Professional
Last Update: Oct 20, 2024
Questions: 100

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