What do you use to dispatch operations from planned orders so that the production plan can be fulfilled?
If the stock level drops below the reorder stock in reorder point planning, what logic would the system use to trigger procurement?
Which mhetods are available for goods issue posting of material components for process orders?
What type of time element can be reduced by strategy settings while dispatching?
You use planning strategy Finite Scheduling - with Reverse adn want to allow scheduling in the past. How can you achive this?
You have a schedule agreement whit a vendor. You want classic MRP to automatically create schedule lines in case of material
What must you do?
What are the consequences when you assgn a planned order to a production line manually, using the planning table in repetitive manufacturing?
Your company produces a finished good based on a forecast and expects it to being stock when customers order it. If customers order more than the forecasted quantity, the production quantity should be increased to try to meet the extra demand. Which planning strategy do you use?
Which of the following elements does MRP take into account during net requirement calculation?