The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) defines____________ as "a process, effected by an entity's board of directors, management, and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives relating to operations, reporting, and compliance."
According to the authors of Crimes of the Middle Classes, all of the following factors have contributed to the rising problem of economic crime EXCEPT:
Which of the following Is NOT a way that an organization's fraud risk assessment should be Incorporated Into the audit process?
Which of the following would MOST LIKELY be a violation of the ACFE Code of Professional Ethics?
Which of the following Is TRUE regarding the reporting of the fraud risk assessment results?
During an external audit of an organization's financial statements. Elena, the external auditor, uncovers significant internal control deficiencies at the audit client's organization. She believes these deficiencies could result in a material misstatement of the financial statements. Which of the following should Elena do with regard to these findings?
Which of the following is among the board of directors' primary responsibilities related to fraud risk management?
The existence of many specialized departments within a company generally decreases the overall risk of fraud within the organization.
According to the results of behavioral studies, such as those conducted by B. F. Skinner, application of punishment to undesired behavior typically results in which of the following?
A government auditor is conducting a financial statement audit of a public-sector entity in accordance with the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI). Which of the following is TRUE regarding the auditor's consideration of fraud during this engagement?
Stevens, a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), was hired to conduct a fraud examination at ABC Company. His examination did not reveal any conclusive evidence that fraud had occurred or was occurring. Consequently, ABC's management asked Stevens to state in his official examination report that the organization is free of fraud as a means of assuring the board of directors that the company's anti-fraud controls were effective. Under the ACFE Code of Professional Ethics. Stevens is permitted to comply with management's request based on the findings of his examination.
In the area of criminological theory, compliance is the theory that tries to prevent crime by providing economic incentives for voluntary conformity to the laws and using administrative efforts to control violations before they occur.
Article II of the ACFE Code of Professional Ethics prohibits illegal or unethical conduct, but It allows exceptions for unknowing violations of the law.
Which of the following is TRUE regarding prosecutions of white-collar criminals?
For its compliance program to be effective, an organization must promote the program through appropriate incentives for compliance.