Which of the followingBEST describes how containers and image layers are related?
Layers of a container are dependent on the layer immediately above it
A layer within a container is designed withinmicroservicesarchitecture
Layers are immutable files that represent a snapshot of a container.
A layer consists of multiple containers withsimilarmicroservices architecture
Ensures that customer input into functional requirements is translated into descriptive user stones
Ensures that the software is designed and written to support integrity and compliance requirements
Ensures that the Ague definition of done includes both functional and nonfunctional requirements for value
Ensures that architectural residence is built into software design to ensure high availability requirements
ABC Corporation has just experienced multiple DDoS attacks.
Which of the following BEST describes what a possible goal of me perpetrator(S) was?
To minimize the legitimate users' access
To attempt to steal vital information
To gain unauthorized system access
To discredit or damage a rival business
TESTED 22 Feb 2025