Install the RHEL system roles package and create a playbook called timesync.yml that:
--> Runs over all managed hosts.
--> Uses the timesync role.
--> Configures the role to use the time server ( Hear in redhat lab
use "" )
--> Configures the role to set the iburst parameter as enabled.
Use Ansible Galaxy with a requirements file called /home/admin/ansible/roles/
install.yml to download and install roles to /home/admin/ansible/roles from the
following URLs:
http:// /role1.tar.gz The name of this role should be balancer
http:// /role2.tar.gz The name of this role should be phphello
Create an empty encrypted file called myvault.yml in /home/sandy/ansible and set the password to notsafepw. Rekey the password to iwejfj2221.
Create a file called requirements.yml in /home/sandy/ansible/roles to install two roles. The source for the first role is geerlingguy.haproxy and geerlingguy.php. Name the first haproxy-role and the second php-role. The roles should be installed in /home/sandy/ansible/roles.
Create a jinja template in /home/sandy/ansible/ and name it hosts.j2. Edit this file so it looks like the one below. The order of the nodes doesn't matter. Then create a playbook in /home/sandy/ansible called hosts.yml and install the template on dev node at /root/myhosts
Create a role called sample-apache in /home/sandy/ansible/roles that enables and starts httpd, enables and starts the firewall and allows the webserver service. Create a template called index.html.j2 which creates and serves a message from /var/www/html/index.html Whenever the content of the file changes, restart the webserver service.
Welcome to [FQDN] on [IP]
Replace the FQDN with the fully qualified domain name and IP with the ip address of the node using ansible facts. Lastly, create a playbook in /home/sandy/ansible/ called apache.yml and use the role to serve the index file on webserver hosts.
Install and configure ansible
User sandy has been created on your control node with the appropriate permissions already, do not change or modify ssh keys. Install the necessary packages to run ansible on the control node. Configure ansible.cfg to be in folder /home/sandy/ansible/ansible.cfg and configure to access remote machines via the sandy user. All roles should be in the path /home/sandy/ansible/roles. The inventory path should be in /home/sandy/ansible/invenlory.
You will have access to 5 nodes.
Configure these nodes to be in an inventory file where node I is a member of group dev. nodc2 is a member of group test, node3 is a member of group proxy, nodc4 and node 5 are members of group prod. Also, prod is a member of group webservers.