existFusionInsight HDmiddle,SparkBy defaultYARNAs a cluster resource management system.
aboutFusionInsight HDplatformHiveservice, itsWebHCatDevelopment interface, which of the following descriptions is incorrect?
FusionInsight HD V100R002C60in, aboutHiveofPythonInterface type, which of the following descriptions is incorrect?
existFusionInsight HDWhen developing applications with a secure version, you can usekeytabDocuments are authenticated securely.
existSpark, assuminglinesIs anDStreamObject, which of the following statements can periodically count the number of words on this stream?
existFusionInsight HDofHBase, which of the following scenarios will not triggerFlushoperate?
existFusionInsight HDin, aboutHivepartition (partition) function, which is wrong as described below?
Which of the following measures can improveHBasequery performance? (multiple choice)
existHBaseWhich of the following interfaces or classes does not need to be involved in the implementation of business logic for writing data?
Set the block storage size to128M,HDFSWhen the client is writing a file, when writing a100Msize file, real.
How much storage space does it take up?
existFusionInsight HDmiddle,FlumeIn a configuration file, if there are multiplesource,butsourceThe name cannot be repeated.
HDFSThere is a file in the cluster and directorytext.txt, which of the following commands can find theDatNodenode
pass throughHBaseofcreateTableThe method creates a table, what parameters must be passed in?
.existFusionInsight HDin, useSparkSQL, which of the following methods (or tools) can be used to performSQLstatement?
(multiple choice)
writingMapReduceWhich two interfaces are usually required to be implemented by developers?
FusionInsight HDofHiveIn the application, there are the following scenarios: ? ? ? Is there a higher storage file? ? efficiency, and most
Minute? ? Only a part of the letter is involved in the file, this scenario is suitable for using a column file (ORC F??)storage.
existMapReduceIn the development framework,InputFormatWhat is the function of the class?
FusionInsight HDin, aboutOozieWhich of the following descriptions is correct? (multiple choice)
aboutstreamingdisaster recovery capability, which of the following statements is correct? (multiple choice)
A project needs to save the Internet access data in a certain area, and search the full text of these Internet access records to see if there is any sensitive data.
Sensitive information is used to prevent crimes in this area. In this scenario, which of the following options is the best?
When the cluster is normal,RedisClient initiates oncegetCall, the client has () times of message interaction with the server?
Fusioninsight HDmedium, applicablestreamingSubmit by command lineexample.jarmiddle
om.huawei.example.wordcounttask, task name iswcTest, is the following execution command correct?
Fusionlnsigt HD an application to completeKerberosSecurity authentication, which of the following options must be used?
(multiple choice)
FusionInsight HDmiddle,StreamingWhat are the characteristics of? (multiple choice)
There are the following scenarios: new data is generated by the online system every day500G, you need to make statistics on these data by day, week, month and other dimensions
ask if it is suitable for useHiveWhat kind of table to handle?
FusionInsight HDofHive, user-definedUDFcan andHiveBuilt-inUDFduplicate name, in this case,
will use user-definedUDF.
for running onMapReduceThe application on the platform that this application depends onjarWhere will the bag be placed?
aboutStreamingthe topology (Topology), which of the following descriptions is wrong?
existStreamingin application development,BoltUse which of the following interfaces to sendTuple?
existFusionInsight HDmiddle,FlumeIn a configuration file, if there are multiplesource,butsourceThe name cannot be repeated.
existFlumeDuring cascaded transfers, you can usefail overmode transfer, so that if the next hop isFlumenode failure or
When the data is received abnormally, it can automatically switch to another way to continue transmission.
for running onMapRestoeThe application on the platform, on which this application is basedjarpackage is placed where?
forSpakstreamingapplication, in aJVM, there can only be one at a time
Streamingcontextis active.
Which of the following measures can improveHBasequery performance? (multiple choice)
implementHBaseWhat parts of the data need to be read for the data read service?
(multiple choice)
forHBase rowkeyThe design principles described below are correct? (multiple choice)
existSpark, assuminglinesIs anDStreamobject, which of the following statements can periodically count this number of words on a stream?
fusioninsight, an application to chargeKerberosSecurity certification, which of the following options are
must be used? (multiple choice)
existKafkamiddle,ProducerThis can be done by configuring the synchronization parameters (producer.type), to ensure that the data press
FusionInsightHDin the system,HiveWhat are the supported interface types? (multiple choice)
Regarding the Redis cluster topology information, which of the following descriptions is correct?
RedisofLISTData structure, suitable for which of the following scenarios? (multiple choice)
Fusionmnsight HDproductSoDuring application development, you canSolr Admin UIxrightCollection
One-shot verification is performed. Draw aboutSolr AdminUIIs the statement correct? (multiple choice)
existHBaseWhich of the following interfaces or classes does not need to be involved in the implementation of business logic for writing data?
FusiontnsightHD in which ways can you viewOozieDebug results of the job? (multiple choice)
TowardsHBaseincrease in the clusterRegionServerhost, the original cluster must be stopped first, becauseHBase
Dynamic expansion is not supported.
FusionInsight HDin the platform,HBaseSecondary indexes are not currently supported.
FlinksupportLocalpattern andClusterpattern deployment(and cloud deployment), other deployment modes are not currently supported.
forHBase rowkeyThe design principles described below are correct? (multiple choice)
The user wants to develop an application to accessHBaseservice, first apply for a machine accounttester1, and give it sets accessHBaseservice permissions; then download the account'skeytabfile, and use that account to run the application
use. Subsequent applications of this application will increase business requirements and require access toHiveservice, then givingtester1User additionally granted access
askHiveAfter the component permissions, you need to re-download the user'skeytabdocument.
existHBaseIn table design, it is common to multiple businessesrowkey, what are the possible countermeasures for situations that lead to data access contradictions?
slightly? (multiple choice)
useFusionInsight HDofHiveQuery data, when the intermediate result of the query has a large amount of data, You can choose to compress the intermediate result data for better performance. Which of the following areHiveCorrelation of intermediate result compression parameter? (multiple choice)
due toSparkis a memory-based computing engine, therefore, aSparkThe amount of data the app can handle Can't give more than thisSparkThe total memory of the application.
HDFSThe system time of the node where the client is located is the same as theFusionInsight HDThe system time of the cluster should be maintained
Consistent, if there is a time difference, then the time difference should be less than a few minutes?
FusionInsight HDin, aboutOozieWhich of the following descriptions is correct? (multiple choice)
existSpark, which of the following statements about broadcast variables is correct? (multiple choice)
forHBase rowkeyThe design principles described below are correct?
(multiple choice)
FusionInsight HDin, belonging toStreamingWhat are the methods of data distribution? (multiple choice)
HDFSSupport large file storage, support for multiple users to write operations to the same file at the same time, and
can be modified anywhere in the file.
Spark Streamingavailable fromKafkaReceive data and perform calculations, and the calculation results can only be stored inHDFS, can no longer be written backKafka.
aboutHiveThe basic operation of building a table, the description is correct?
You need to specify when creating an external tableexternalkeywords.
When the cluster is normal,RedisClient initiates oncegetCall, the client and the server have () secondary message interaction?
Which of the following causesHDFSofNameNodeEntersafemode(safe read-only mode)?
(multiple choice)
FusionInsight HDin, aboutHive(MR,SPARK,TEZ)andSparksql(Sparkcore), which of the following
Is the description correct?
(multiple choice)