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ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Exam Questions and Answers

Questions 4

Which of the following three options could be considered potential threats to impartiality in an audit context?












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Questions 5

An organisation wants to certify their ISO 9001:2015-based QMS for the first time. Arrange the activities in the correct sequence from 2 to 5.

To complete the sequence, click on the blank section you want to complete so it is highlighted in red and then click on the applicable text from the options below. Alternatively, drag and drop the

options to the appropriate blank section.

ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Question 5


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Questions 6

An audit team leader arrives at a printing organisation to carry out a Stage 2 audit for a certification body. At a meeting with the Quality Manager, she is told that they have won their biggest contract from a computer

manufacturer to print and compile computer documentation packages. They have leased the unit next door for space reasons but have never worked in this sector before. The Quality Manager wants the ISO 9001

certificate to cover the new contract.

Which one of the options is the correct response by the auditor?



Do you realise that this involves an extension to the scope of the audit and will require an application process?


How can we audit this area when we do not have an IT specialist in the team?


Would you like a separate certificate for the IT packages to show your new client?


Would you mind writing to my programme manager with this request?

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Questions 7

An audit team of three people is conducting a Stage 2 audit to ISO 9001 of an engineering organisation that manufactures sacrificial anodes for the oll and gas industry in marine environments. These are aluminium products designed to prevent corrosion of submerged

steel structures. You, as one of the auditors, find that the organisation has shipped anodes for Project DK in the Gulf of Mexico before the galvanic efficiency test results for the anodes have been fully analysed and reported as required by the customer. The Quality

Manager explains that the Managing Director authorised release of the anodes to avoid late delivery as penalties would be imposed. The customer was not informed since the tests very rarely fall below the required efficiency. You raise a nonconformity against clause 8.6 of ISO 9001.

Which of the following options for the best description of the nonconformity?



A retrospective concession was not sought from the customer once the test results had been approved by the Quality Manager.


Release of the product without acceptable test results has been accepted by the customer for Project DK.


Products for Project DK have been released before product approval through the quality control process.


The untested product was not recalled until the galvanic efficiency of the anodes was verified.

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Questions 8

Which two of the following are included in the objectives of the 'Stage 1 initial certification audit'?



To evaluate the performance of monitoring and reviewing activities.


To evaluate the preparedness of the organisation for a Stage 2 audit.


To evaluate the internal audit and management review processes.


To review the quality manual.


To make a decision on certification to ISO 9001:2015.


To evaluate the operational processes of the organisation.

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Questions 9

A small cleaning services organisation is about to start work on a hospital cleaning contract for the local Health Trust. You,

as auditor, are conducting a Stage 2 audit to ISO 9001 and review the contract with the Service Manager. The contract

requires that a cleaning plan is produced.

You: "How was the cleaning plan for the contract developed?"

Service Manager: "We have a basic template that covers the materials, labour requirements and cleaning methods to be

employed. Some of that is specified by the customer."

You: "How does the plan deal with locations like the intensive care wards and the operating theatres, which are included

in the contract?"

Service Manager: "The basic plan covers general wards, but we will do more frequent cleaning in those areas if the

hospital requests it."

You: "Are you aware of the regulatory requirements for cleaning standards in hospitals?"

Service Manager: "No. We depend on the hospital to look after that side of things in the contract."

You decide to raise a non-conformity against section 8.2.2.a.1 of ISO 9001.

You decide to raise another non-conformity against section 8.2.4 of ISO 9001 when finding that the

cleaning plan was amended without the agreement of the Health Trust. A different cleaning chemical was

substituted to that specified in the contract. At the follow-up audit, the corrective action proposed was to

"obtain a concession from the Health Trust for use of the new chemical."

Which one of the following options is the reason why you did not accept this action taken?



Staff have not been trained in the use of the new chemical.


The action assumes that the Health Trust will agree to the change.


The process for making changes to the contract has not been addressed.


The substitute chemical has not been used before in the Health Trust.


The substitute chemical may not be as effective as the original.

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Questions 10

You are carrying out an audit at an organisation seeking certification to ISO 9001 for the first time. The organisation offers health and safety training to customers. Training courses are offered either as open courses, delivered at a public venue, or online, or as courses that are tailored to meet specific requirements. The business operates from a single office and those who deliver the training are either full-time employees or subcontractors.

You are interviewing the Training Manager (TM).

You: "What quality objectives apply to the training process?"

TM: "One of the quality objectives we aim for is a 90% minimum exam pass rate for all open training courses."

You: "How do you measure this objective?"

The Training Manager shows you a record on her computer and you see the following:

ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Question 10

Which two of the following statements are true?



You would check the training of personnel.


You would determine how the exam pass rate figures were analysed.


You would determine the relative difficulty of each training course by reviewing them.


You would determine what corrective action was being taken to address the low pass rates.


You would raise a nonconformity as a requirement in clause 10.2 has not been fulfilled.


You would raise a nonconformity as a requirement in clause 8.7 has not been fulfilled.

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Questions 11

Which two of the following work documents are not required for audit planning by an auditor conducting a certification audit?



A career history of the quality manager


A checklist


A list of interested parties


An audit plan


An evidence sampling strategy


An organisation's financial statement

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Questions 12

In the context of a second-party audit, match the activity with the party responsible for conducting it.ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Question 12


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Questions 13

Select the word that best completes the sentence:

ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Question 13


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Questions 14

Read the following role descriptions. Select two roles that are not directly involved in the audit process.



An auditor-in-training - a person who accompanies the audit team leader or team members during the audit.


A technical expert - a person who provides specific knowledge or expertise to the audit team but is not normally an auditor.


An audit team leader - a person responsible for managing an audit until the audit is completed.


An interpreter - a person who witnesses the audit to assist the auditors with language issues.


An observer - a person who sees the performance of the audit team leader, audit team members and/or auditee.


A guide - a person who is appointed by the auditee to assist the audit team during the audit.

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Questions 15

An audit team leader arrives at a printing organisation to carry out a Stage 2 audit for a certification body. At a meeting with the Quality Manager, she is told that they have won their biggest contract from a computer manufacturer to print and compile computer documentation packages. They have leased the unit next door for space reasons but have never worked in this sector before. The Quality Manager wants the ISO 9001 certificate to cover the new contract.

During the audit, a team member finds that a number of print jobs have been rejected by several clients over a number of months due to spelling errors in the print run. The Print Manager blames the new employees they had to take on because of a big contract. The auditor raises a nonconformance against clause 10.2.1.b of ISO 9001.

Which one of the evidence statements would support this finding?



There was no record that the organisation evaluated the effectiveness of the training given to new employees.


There was no evidence that a check of spelling took place before the release of printing to the client.


The actions taken to deal with customer complaints did not prevent recurrence of the problem.


The organisation did not provide the correct resources to prevent nonconformity.

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Questions 16

You have been nominated audit team leader of a third-party audit. Which of the following could be the two most relevant objectives of this audit?



Evaluate the satisfaction interested parties


Evaluate the effectiveness of the management system


Identify the need of resources


Evaluate the capability of the management system to establish and achieve objectives


Identify opportunities for improvement


Evaluate the benefits obtained since the implementation of the management system

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Questions 17

Select the phrase that best describes the purpose of a quality management system to ISO 9001 in relation to the performance of an organization.



Manages the performance


Monitors the performance


Dictates the performance


Improves the performance

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Questions 18

You are conducting a third-party audit to ISO 9001 and interviewing the Training Manager. She explains that training is more

important than ever because the organisation has had to reduce the number of staff employed. Many of the remaining staff

are now required to be 'multi-skilled'. You ask to see plans for the multi-skilling training and are shown plans that look

comprehensive, and include both 'on the job" training and internal and external training courses.

The records indicate that several staff required parts of their training to be repeated one month after the first training was

provided. You ask why this was needed and are told that an investigation of customer complaints identified that several staff

members did not complete certain tasks in the correct manner. The extra training was therefore recommended as a

corrective action.

Based on this interview, which two of the tollowing audit trails would be the most appropriate to follow?

Select the two most appropriate audit trails from the following.



Ask if customer complaints had ceased since the multi-skilled training finished.


Ask the members of staff whether they found the training received useful.


Assess whether Quality objectives are being met.


Determine whether customers were consulted about the risks associated with the multi-skilling training.


Determine whether management has assessed the impact of staff reduction on the organisation's ability to meet its objectives.


Review records to assess if all planned training has been completed.

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Questions 19

You, as auditor, are in dialogue with the quality lead and managing director of a small business that supplies specialist

laboratory equipment and furniture.

You: "I'd like to look at how you manage change in the organisation. What changes have you made as a business, say,

over the last 12 months?"

Auditee: "We have made some strategic changes, the main one being that we no longer manufacture our own products

in house."

You: "That sounds like quite a significant change. What has been the impact of that?"

Auditee: "We now mainly sell other manufacturers' products, under their brand names, and have outsourced

manufacture of our own brand products to one of our suppliers. Unfortunately, we had to make six members of our staff

redundant. This represents about 20% of our workforce, so this has been quite a challenging time."

This scenario presents a number of audit trails to different ISO 9001 requirements.

Which three of the following requirements would be relevant audit trails for this scenario?



Organisational knowledge


Control of externally provided processes, products, and services


Design and development of products and services


Documented information


Measurement traceability


Organisation roles and responsibilities


Preservation of product

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Questions 20

You are carrying out an annual audit at an organisation that offers home security services. You are interviewing the Quality Manager (QM)

You: "Would you tell me about your management review process?"

QM: "The senior management team plans to review the management system every six months. The review follows a set agenda and records are maintained."

You: "May I see the records from the last two management reviews?"

Narrative: The Quality Manager gives you the latest record, which shows the last management review took place nine months ago.

The Quality Manager then gives you the previous management review record, which took place one year before the latest review.

You: "Are there any other review reports in the last two years?

QM: "No, these are the only ones."

ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Question 20


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Questions 21

You work for an organisation, 'A', which provides packaged food to the public. You are asked to lead a team (you as the leader and two other

auditors) to audit a supplier, 'B', which provides packaging materials to your organisation. It is 4 p.m. and the audit is close to an end; you are having

an internal meeting with the team to decide what will be presented to the auditee during the Closing meeting. The Closing meeting was scheduled

for 5 p.m.

You, as audit team leader, audited top management, the laboratory, and the storage of raw materials.

Auditor 1 audited the two manufacturing lines and dispatch areas.

You to Auditor 1: "What findings would you report?"

Auditor 1: "When reviewing the Dispatch records, I noticed that during the morning two different trucks (Number 011 and 025) delivered the same

batch number of the product (Batch 33555). Truck 011 left the plant at 9.15 am and Truck 025 left the plant at 11.30 am. Procedure P-02 Rev.3 says

that trucks should carry a complete batch. The batch number, once on the truck, is captured using a QR device."

You: "OK, what do you think?"

Auditor 2: "I think that this is a nonconformity."

You: "OK. How would you describe the evidence on which the nonconformity will be based"?

Identify which one of the following statements best describes the identified nonconformity.



Dispatch personnel are not fully aware of the need to conform to written procedures.


Dispatch personnel do not always carry out its activities in conformance with Procedure P-02 rev 3.


The batch 33555 was delivered split in two different trucks (011 and 025).


A product delivered to the client was not identified as required in P-02 Rev 3.

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Questions 22

A Health Trust has contracted with Servitup, a catering services organisation that has been certified to ISO 9001 for one year. It provides services to

10 small rural hospitals in remote locations involving the purchase and storage of dry goods and fresh produce, preparing meals, and loading heated

trolleys for Ward Service by hospital staff. You, as auditor, are conducting the first surveillance audit at one site with the Deputy Catering Manager


DCM: "I apologise for the absence of the Catering Manager. He has called in sick today and we are really short of staff."

You: "I see. It really shouldn't affect the QMS so the audit can progress as normal."

DCM: "The Catering Manager set up the system. I'm afraid I'm not as familiar with it as he is."

You: "OK, let's start with the Quality Policy. What are the main issues for the QMS here?"

DCM: "Give me a minute. I need to look at the Quality Policy on the noticeboard in his office."

As the audit progresses, it is clear that the DCM has a very low knowledge of the QMS. He continually has to look up the answers to your questions

or ask staff members about their processes. You decide to raise a nonconformity.

Select one of the following options that best describes the nonconformity.



As a member of the management team, the Deputy Catering Manager is not sufficiently aware of the QMS.


The Deputy Catering Manager is not competent to manage the QMS.


The effectiveness of the QMS depends on the Catering Manager being present on site.


The Quality Policy only exists as a document in the Catering Manager's office.

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Questions 23

In the context of a third-party audit, match the event with the responsibility for conducting it.

ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Question 23


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Questions 24

An internal auditor of a manufacturer of polystyrene packaging products for the electronics industry raised a nonconformity against section 10.3 of ISO 9001 in Report

IA202. The nonconformity (NC 3) stated:

"The reject rate of 'finished' product of 9.7% needs improvement as it doesn't meet the stated objective of top management of 5%."

Just before the Closing meeting of a third-party audit, the audit team leader is invited to a meeting with the Quality Manager. He tells the audit team leader that a

member of the audit team was seen taking photographs of the factory on his phone during the day and wants him suspended from the Closing meeting with any

nonconformities raised by him rescinded. The issue of photographs was not discussed during the opening meeting.

Select the three options for how the audit team leader might deal with this situation.



Insist that the nonconformities must stand since they have been agreed by the team from other evidence gathered


Delay the Closing meeting until the audit team leader has consulted his audit programme manager at Head Office


Advise the Quality Manager that the auditor will be reported to Head Office


State that the auditor will take no further part in the audit and all his photographs will be deleted


Apologise for the situation and ensure the Quality Manager that all photographs will be deleted during the Closing meeting


Advise the Quality Manager that he, as audit team leader, needs to speak to the auditor about the situation and he will report back to the Quality Manager once this is done

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Questions 25

You are conducting a Stage 1 audit at an organisation that services refrigeration equipment for a large customer base.

The scope of certification is "Provision of refrigeration equipment maintenance and repair services". You are interviewing

the Managing Director to learn more about the organisation and to explore how the requirements for policy, objectives,

and risks and opportunities in ISO 9001 are addressed.

The Managing Director explains that they only use sub-contract refrigeration engineers and do not have any full-time

refrigeration engineers, which helps to optimise overhead costs. The full-time staff employed are essentially a small team

of office staff who process customer enquiries, schedule jobs and process invoices.

The Managing Director adds that the ISO 9001 requirements for competence of personnel extends to both sub-contract

and full-time staff. He also states that the full-time staff are aware of the Quality Policy, objectives and plans to address

risk and opportunities.

You ask if the sub-contract engineers have been informed of the Quality Policy, objectives and plans to address risks and

opportunities, to which the Managing Director replies that this is not applicable as they only use sub-contractors who

operate ISO 9001 certificated quality management systems. The documented information provided to the auditor

confirms this.

Which clause in ISO 9001 is most likely not to have been fulfilled in this instance?



7.2 Competence


7.3 Awareness


7.4 Communication


7.5 Documented information

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Questions 26

Below are four of the seven principles on which ISO 9000 series are based. Match a potential benefit to each of the quality management principles (QMP).

ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Question 26


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Questions 27

You are carrying out an audit at an organisation seeking certification to ISO 9001 for the first time. The organisation offers health and safety training to


You are interviewing the Quality Systems Manager (QSM).

You: "What risks and opportunities have the business identified?"

QSM: "I'1l show you. This was discussed with the Managing Director at the latest management review."

Narrative: The QSM shows you the latest management review record and points to the following table:

ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Question 27

You: "How is the business planning to address these risks and opportunities?"

QSM: "The MD said that they already knew about them so it was not necessary."

ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Question 27


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Questions 28

ABC is a worldwide fast-food organisation. One of the branches, in downtown Cape Town, decided to

implement an ISO 9001 quality management system and you are the audit team leader (with two other

auditors) that will carry out the certification audits, Stage 2.

ABC receive the orders by phone or internet; some of the employees deliver the ordered food to indicated

addresses. The normal menu includes 15 different types of hamburgers; however, in the last two weeks,

due to a shortage of a special type of meat, they can only prepare six of the 15 varieties.

During the internal meeting of the audit team, you ask one of the auditors to describe what she has

observed. She audited the reception of orders from customers (via phone or internet) and the

communication of the orders to the kitchen. She noticed that the menu offering food on the website is still

the normal one, with 15 different hamburgers, and during a 30-minute period, she observed many

customers reluctantly accepting something other than the hamburger they preferred.

You, as audit team leader, inform the Quality Manager of your concern about the major nonconformity,

since you consider this a serious breach of the basic principles of quality that lasted two weeks without

action being taken.

Right at the beginning of the Closing meeting, you discuss the nonconformity with the General Manager.

She got quite upset and said she was going to make a complaint to the certification body and left the

room; the Quality Manager was the only member of ABC left with the audit team. The Quality Manager said the General Manager would not come back to the meeting.

What would you do? Choose the best from the following options:



Ask the Quality Manager for a break to discuss the issue with the members of the audit team.


Ask the Quality Manager to listen to the nonconformity the auditor will present and continue with the meeting until its closure.


Inform the Quality Manager that the certification process is put on hold and leave the room.


Inform the Quality Manager that you consider the meeting closed, and that you will report to the Certification Body for instructions.

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Questions 29

Select the two statements that are true.



The audit team leader shall only communicate any concerns to the auditee during the closing meeting.


Inform the general manager if the auditor finds uncontrolled documents.


Where the available audit evidence indicates that the audit objectives are unattainable, the individual(s) managing the audit programme shall be immediately informed.


Changes to the audit scope, which become apparent during the audit, shall be approved with the auditee.


During the audit, the audit team leader shall periodically assess audit progress.


An immediate and significant risk to the audit shall be informed to the auditee and if possible to the certification body.

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Questions 30

Whistlekleen is a national dry cleaning and laundry company with 50 shops. You are conducting a surveillance audit of the Head Office and are sampling customer

complaints. You find that 80% of complaints originate from five shops in the same region. Most of these complaints relate to damage to customer laundry. The Quality

Manager tells you that these are the oldest shops in the company. The cleaning equipment needs replacing but the company cannot afford it at the moment. You learn

that the shop managers were told to dismiss most of the claims on the basis of the poor quality of the laundered materials.

On raising the matter with senior management, you are told that there are plans to replace the equipment in these shops over the next five years.

ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Question 30


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Questions 31

You have been just hired as the Internal Lead Auditor of a large organisation, responsible for internal audits. Your first job is to analyse the answers to nonconformities included in the report of a recent internal audit to Top Management.

The report contained one nonconformity as follows:

There is no evidence of Top Management ensuring the availability of resources to operate the QMS, the establishment of objectives, the promotion of continual improvement, and the promoting of the process approach.

Which four of the following Top Management actions can be considered 'corrections to the nonconformity'?



Top Management appoints a senior manager to oversee the quality manangement system


Top Management completed a course on ISO 9001


All these actions will be reviewed during the Top Management meetings


Improvement action has been promoted


Objectives have been established


Process approach has been communicated to the personnel


Resources have been provided

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Questions 32

You work as an external quality consultant for an organisation, 'A', which provides packaged food to the public. You are asked to lead a team (you as the leader and two other auditors) to audit a supplier, 'B', to ISO 9001 which provides packaging materials to your organisation. It is 4 pm and the audit is close to an end; you are having an internal meeting with the team to decide what will be presented to the auditee during the Closing meeting. The Closing meeting was scheduled at 5 pm.

You, as Audit Team Leader, audited top management. You explain to the audit team that you identified two nonconformities:

a. There is no documented information on Top Management Reviews, as required in clause 9.3 of ISO 9001:2015.

b. There is no evidence of Top Management Commitment as required in clause 5.1 of ISO 9001:2015. (e.g., not ensuring the availability of resources

to operate the QMS, not ensuring the establishment of objectives, no promotion of improvement, no promotion of the process approach).

All agreed to present these two nonconformities. They went to meet the Top Management of 'B' and noticed that the General Manager and three other managers (Production, Human Resources, and Sales) were present in the meeting room.

Considering the seriousness of the two nonconformities to Top Management, as audit team leader, from the following select the best option:



Present the nonconformities to the whole group and inform that you will recommend your company to remove them from the approved suppliers list.


Present the nonconformities to the managers, inform them that the report will be sent within 10 days, close the meeting and leave the site.


Ask the General Manager to have a private conversation in which you present the nonconformities only to him because of their sensitive nature.


Present the nonconformities to the whole group and analyse with them how to overcome this situation.

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Questions 33

XYZ Corporation is an organisation that employs 100 people. As audit team leader, you are conducting a

certification audit at Stage 1. When reviewing the quality management system (QMS) documentation, you

find that quality objectives have been set for every employee in the organisation except top management.

The Quality Manager complains that this has created a lot of resistance to the QMS, and the Chief Executive

is asking questions about how much it will cost. He asks for your opinion on whether this is the correct

method of setting objectives.

Three months after Stage 1, you return to XYZ Corporation to conduct a Stage 2 certification audit as Audit

Team Leader with one other auditor. You find that the Quality Manager has cancelled the previous quality

objectives for all employees and replaced them with a single objective for himself. This states that "The

Quality Manager will drive multiple improvements in the QMS in the next year". The Quality Manager indicates

that this gives him the authority to issue instructions to department managers when quality improvement is

needed. He says that this approach has the full backing of senior management. He shows you the latest

Quality Improvement Request that was included in the last management review.

ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Question 33

After further auditing, the issues below were found. Select two statements that apply to the term




No quality objectives planned for the top management team


Decisions on improvement action timescales not involving departmental managers.


Evaluation of the results of the improvement action not always documented by the Quality Manager.


Limited knowledge of the content of Quality Improvement Requests by departmental staff.


Quality improvements not aligning with the quality policy.


Top management claim not to be aware of the improvement request (QI/12/20/HR-3) initiated by the Quality Manager.

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Questions 34

During a Stage 1 audit, the Quality Manager asks that the audit includes coverage of a new work area they have expanded into since the application was made.

Which of the following two actions should the auditor take?



Advise the Quality Manager that an extension of the scope is possible but will have to go through established procedures.


Advise the Quality Manager that the audit scope has been set and the audit will proceed as planned.


Advise the Quality Manager that, within the existing scope, the new work area can be included without any problem.


Determine whether the Quality Management System covers the new work area and, if so, proceed with the audit.


Suggest that she will advise the programme manager that the audit scope should be revised to include the new work area.


Suggest that the Quality Manager cancels the audit contract and reapplies for the new situation.

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Questions 35

Which of the following two documents does an auditor need to prepare and complete prior to the on-site audit?



Audit Report


Audit Plan




Checklist / Prompts


Risk Matrices



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Questions 36

An audit team of three people is conducting a Stage 2 audit to ISO 9001 of an engineering organisation which manufactures sacrificial anodes for the

oil and gas industry in marine environments. These are aluminium products designed to prevent corrosion of submerged steel structures. As one of

the auditors, you find that the organisation has shipped anodes for Project DK in the Gulf of Mexico before the galvanic efficiency test results for the

anodes have been fully analysed and reported as required by the customer. The Quality Manager explains that the Managing Director authorised the

release of the anodes to avoid late delivery as penalties would be imposed. The customer was not informed since the tests rarely fall below the

required efficiency. You raise a nonconformity against clause 8.6 of ISO 9001.

During the audit team meeting in preparation for the Closing meeting, the second auditor disagreed with the clause of ISO 9001 selected for the

above nonconformity. He thinks it should be clause 9.1.1.

Choose three options for how the audit team leader should best respond to the situation:



The audit team leader will refer to the quality manager to determine which clause they agree with.


Advise that he will think about the clause and announce his decision during the Closing meeting.


Immediately agree with the second auditor that clause 9.1.1 would be better.


Immediately overule the objection of the second auditor with no discussion of the clause.


Invite you and the second auditor to fully explain your point of view and then decide which clause to select.


Review the evidence with you and the second auditor, and then decide which clause of ISO 9001 would best apply.


Suggest that neither clause is accurate and instead propose clause 9.1.3 as the best one for the nonconformity.

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Questions 37

Which two of the following should be included in an audit plan?



List of findings from the last audit


Name of the auditee general manager


Signature of Certification Body Technical Reviewer


Sequence and timings of audit activities


Date of next audit


Name of auditees and auditors

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Questions 38

XYZ Corporation employs 100 people, and during a Stage 1 certification audit, certain issues are identified with the Quality Management System (QMS). Which two options describe the circumstances in which you could raise a nonconformity against Clause 6.2 of ISO 9001:2015?



Quality objectives are not being implemented by the organisation's personnel.


The consultant has not interpreted ISO 9001 correctly.


Establishing quality objectives did not include top management.


Quality objectives were not established in alignment with the organisation's quality policy.


The organisation cannot afford to undertake quality objectives all at once.


Quality objectives are not maintained as documented information.

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Questions 39

During an internal audit, it was discovered that the calibration of a spectrometer used daily for production had expired, causing a nonconformance under Clause of ISO 9001:2015. The root cause was the organization not considering the risk of the calibration provider leaving the country.

Which corrective action is the best one?



We will select one sample, which we will send to an external laboratory and will use it as our internal standard.


We will look for a local company to provide this service.


We will have the results on one out of ten of our routine production samples double-checked by an external local laboratory.


We will add this to our external issue register, assess its associated risk, and plan action to address that risk.

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Exam Name: QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Exam
Last Update: Mar 13, 2025
Questions: 131

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