A project elects to pursue Location and Transportation Credit, Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses, Option 2. Diverse Uses because of the project's location in an amenity-rich area. The project features 18 uses overall, including at least four uses in three of the five use type categories. What threshold must the project surpass in order to demonstrate exemplary performance for Option 2?
At the time of registering a project in LEED Online, Regional Priority credits are determined based upon the project's
For Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan, which of the following
items is required for credit compliance?
What is the minimum gross floor area required for a Building Design and Construction project to be eligible for
Which one of the following represents quality transit service as defined in Location and Transportation Credit, Access to Quality Transit?
To achieve the Sustainable Sites Credit, Light Pollution Reduction, Option 1. BUG Rating Method, projects must demonstrate
What is the average flush rate for a dual flush toilet with a high flush rate of 1.6 gpf (6 lpf) and a low flush rate of 1.05 gpf (4 lpf)?
What are the requirements of commercial projects for long-term bicycle storage under Location and
Transportation, Bicycle Facilities - Bicycle Storage and Shower Rooms?
In the step-by-step guidance for Location and Transportation Credit, Bicycle Facilities, which of the following requirements can define a bicycle network?
For an emergency care facility project, which of the following credits can be achieved if the total cost of
permanently installed products are 25% cradle-to-cradle V3 Gold and 25% GreenScreen List Translator?
When the LEED AP is applying the Integrative Process to a Building Design and Construction project, which of the following information is required to be present in the Owner's Project Requirements (OPR)?
Which principal areas must the LEED AP focus on to attain the Integrative Process Credit, Integrative Process?
Showers are addressed under which prerequisites and/or credits within LEED Building Design and Construction?
Which of the following project types is required to consider the perimeter floor area instead of the regularly occupied floor area under the Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Daylight calculations?
The project team has decided to substitute the flooring in the school gym with natural rubber flooring that has met the Sustainable Agriculture Standard. The cost of the substituted flooring is $80,000. The project will achieve
What requirement must be met when creating a Demand Response Program that satisfies Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Demand Response?
Which of the following documents contains the design team's interpretation of the Owner's Project Requirements?
A topographic assessment of a project site located 150 ft. (45 m) from a water body was conducted. The results of the slope analysis show that the site is generally sloping 6% to 8% to the northwest over most of the site, with some steep slopes located at the eastern edge of the property, which may impact the runoff volume. Which one of the following LEED credits or prerequisites will be affected by these results?
Which of the following would be most useful to a school project that is attempting to pursue Water Efficiency Credit, Indoor Water Use Reduction?
The material cost for a project is $100,000. What is the minimum material value needed to achieve Materials and Resources Credit, Building Disclosure and Optimization, Sourcing of Raw Materials, Option 2. Leadership Extraction
Which rating system is being used if all of the credits below have been submitted towards certification?
- Location and Transportation Credit, Reduced Parking Footprint
- Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Fundamental Refrigerant Management
- Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Acoustic Performance
- Materials and Resources Credit, Persistent, Bio accumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Source Reduction - Lead, Cadmium, and Copper
An owner has requested that the project team redesign a large office building. As part of the redesign, the owner would like to move the main entrance to the opposite side of the building. Achievement of which credit may be affected by the move?
A neighborhood housing development organization has dual goals, promoting occupant's health and minimizing
energy costs. What LEED Building Design and Construction, New Construction credit might the LEED AP propose to best achieve the organization's dual goals?
What reference standard is used to determine compliance with the Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite, Minimum Energy Performance when the whole building energy modeling option is used?
A Healthcare Project is constructing a new building adjacent to an existing LEED Certified hospital facility. The new building's location is on the same hospital campus as the certified facility. The entire hospital campus was analyzed with an Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) as part of the certified facility's project scope. The new building project needs to complete a new Phase I ESA if
For major renovation and new construction projects, the required energy and water-related system analyses should be the same except for
A project team is using the whole building simulation model to quantify the percentage of energy savings for the project. Which of the following should remain the same for both the baseline building and the proposed building?
In Sustainable Sites Credit, Light Pollution Reduction, which factor is included in the lamp lumen uplight calculation?
Which of the following project types is required to consider the perimeter floor area instead of the regularly occupied floor area under the Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Daylight calculations?
Which approach will contribute to maintaining compliance with Sustainable Sites Credit, Rainwater Management?
A project is designed to remodel an existing warehouse into multi-family housing. The exterior facade of the warehouse will remain, but 40% of the interior will be demolished and replaced for interior new construction. New materials will be used for the new construction. To achieve points in the Materials and Resources Credit, Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction, which credit path option would apply?
The LEED AP is leading the first design charrette for a new LEED project with the project's owners. What document should be used to record the project goals to be used throughout the design of the project?
In addition to Materials and Resources Credit, Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction, Option 3. Building and Materials Reuse, salvaged materials contribute to the achievement of
Under Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite, Fundamental Commissioning and Verification, a current facilities requirements and operations and maintenance plan must contain which information necessary to operate the building efficiently?
A project team member has prepared a map and accompanying table as documentation for the Location and Transportation Credit. Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses. Option 2. Diverse Uses. The map includes the location of each diverse use. the location of the project and the main entrance of the building. The table includes the distance to each use. the name of each use and the category of each use The team lead reviews the documentation and notes an important missing item. Which of the following is the most important item to add to the documentation?
According to the Integrative Process Credit, the discovery phase of energy-related systems should identify
The project landscape architect suggests reducing the area planned for surface parking and replacing it with additional vegetated space. What benefit would this strategy provide to the owner?
A project team is attempting Location and Transportation Credit: High Priority Site and selects Option 1: Historic District. To demonstrate that the project is located in an infill site, the project team must confirm that:
The Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Reduction takes into account both new and three-year aged Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) values for roofing material because
The current facilities requirements (CFR) and operations and maintenance plan (OMP) required for Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite, Fundamental Commissioning and Verification must include
A project team is deciding on the impact of a proposed concrete walkway. Which of the following will be impacted as a result of adding the walkway?
Which of the following buildings meets the Minimum Program Requirements for LEED certification?
A school project is located in a basin. Snow melts in the spring on the nearby mountains which replenishes the local water supply. The nearby highways are sometimes closed during the winter due to the winter storm. What is the top priority the project team should focus on?
A project has a potable water source as well as two alternative water sources. Which of the following statements is applicable for a project using two alternative water sources?
Which of the following are the major factors determining the total irrigation requirement for a particular landscaping design?
In a large industrial or commercial building, which energy end uses are classified as systems composed of discrete pieces of equipment that can be metered together for the purposes of Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Advanced Energy Metering?
Which of the following are control measures recommended by the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Contractors Association (SMACNA) for the Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan?
According to the Integrative Process Credit, Integrative Process, the goal-setting workshop should identify
What building classification requires the energy model to determine the predicted power usage effectiveness (PUE) for Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite, Minimum Energy Performance?
A project team develops a site plan for a school project with an athletic field and a playground with real grass. In order to qualify for the Water Efficiency Prerequisite, Outdoor Water Use Reduction, the landscape area calculations:
What phase of the integrative process gives the team the greatest chance of success in meeting the project's environmental goals cost-effectively?
A design team pursuing LEED for a new office building project calculated that with the water fixtures specified for the project, a 24% water reduction can be achieved compared to the LEED baseline. What does this mean to the team in terms of pursuing LEED?
A project design team for an elementary school project is attempting to achieve Innovation Credit, Innovation, Option 1. Innovation. Which of the following strategies would qualify?
For a new project with a $10 million construction cost, the weight of the total recycled content is 0.9 tons (816.5 kilograms) each for post-consumer and pre-consumer recycled content. The value of the total recycled content is one million each for post-consumer and pre-consumer recycled content. What is the percentage of recycled content that contributes toward Materials and Resources Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials, Option 2, Leadership Extraction Practices?
Commissioning (Cx) and verification are requirements to qualify for LEED certification. What are the basic systems that need to be commissioned?
Which of the following strategies would be considered an acceptable minor improvement within the wetland buffer for Location and Transportation Credit, Sensitive Land Protection?
A design team is working on a hospital project. In order to meet the Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite, Minimum
Energy Performance, what option is used?
Which of the following is a leadership extraction practice that rewards projects for choosing materials with closed-loop recycling and take-back programs in LEED?
A Photovoltaic (PV) system was installed on a 35,000 ft2 (3 252 m2) project. What actions need to take place in order to meet compliance for Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite, Fundamental Commissioning (Cx) and Verification?
A project has total waste of 20 tons (18.1 tonnes) that includes the following:
· 8 tons (7.3 tonnes) of recycled demolition steel and concrete
· 2 tons (1.8 tonnes) of trees cleared from the site
. 3 tons (2.7 tonnes) of commingled scrap with 40% diverted
. 6 tons (5.4 tonnes) of used furniture donated to a non-profit organization
· 1 ton (0.9 tonnes) of removed carpet and ceiling tiles sent back to the manufacturer
What is the percentage of diverted waste for Materials and Resources Credit, Construction and Demolition Waste
Which of the following characteristics are a requirement of a compliant water meter?
Which of the following strategies can be used to reduce the internal load of a building?
Under the Building Design and Construction rating systems, projects can opt for a review process that helps teams determine if the project is on track to achieve LEED certification at its preferred level. This process is referred to as
When the LEED AP is applying the Integrative Process to a Building Design and Construction project, which of the following must be included in the Basis of Design (BOD)?
If a commercial building is considered to have 100 peak visitors in a day, what is the minimum number of short-term
bicycle storage spaces that must be provided to earn one point under Location and Transportation Credit, Bicycle
Which of the following Materials and Resources credits or prerequisites is reviewed under the design phase documentation submission?
In the calculations for Water Efficiency Credit, Outdoor Water Use Reduction, food gardens
Which views would qualify as a quality view for Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Quality Views?
Which of the following prerequisites or credits are affected by using plug-in devices when attempting to achieve Indoor Environmental Quality Credit. Thermal Comfort?