An API has been created in Design Center. What is the next step to make the API discoverable?
Refer to exhibits.
In the execution of the Scatter-Gather , the flow route completes after 10 seconds and the flow2 route completes in 40 seconds. How many seconds does it take for the Scatter-Gather to complete?
Refer to the exhibits.
The Set Payload transformer's value is set to {'year': '2020'}.
What message value should be added to the Logger component to output the message 'The year is 2020', without hardcoding 2020?
Refer to the exhibits.
A web client sends sale data in a POST request to the Mule application. The Transform Message component then enrich the payload by prepending a vendor name to the sale data.
What is written to the sales.csv file when the flow executes?
An On Table Row Database listener retrieves data from a table that contains record_id, an increasing numerical column.
How should the listener be configured so it retrieves new rows at most one time?
Following Mulesoft's recommended API-led connectivity approach , an organization has created an application network. The organization now needs to create API's to transform , orchestrate and aggregate the data provided by the other API's in the application network. This API should be flexible enought ot handle the data from additional API's in future.
According to Mulesoft's recommended API-led connectivity approach , what is the best layer for this new API?
Refer to the exhibits.
What payload and quantity are togged at the end of the main flow?
Refer to the exhibit.
The Database Select operation returns five rows from a database. What is logged by the Logger component?
Refer to the exhibits.
The Mule Application is being debugged in Anypoint Studio and stops at breakpoint. What is the value of payload displayed in debugger at this breakpoint?
Refer to the exhibits.
The Batch job processes an array of strings.
What information is logged by the logger component after the batch job scope completes processing of the input payload?
What path setting is required for an HTTP Listener endpoint to route all requests to an APIkit router?
Refer to the exhibit.
The main flow is configured with their error handlers. A web client submit a request to the HTTP Listener and the HTTP Request throws an HTTP:NOT_FOUND error.
What response message is returned?’’
What response message is returned?
Refer to the exhibits.
The mule application implements a REST API that accepts GET request from two URL's which are as follows
What path value should be set in HTTP listener configuration so that requests can be accepted for both these URL's using a single HTTP listener event source?
Refer to the exhibit. The Batch Job processes, filters and aggregates records, What is the expected output from the Logger component?
Refer to the exhibit.
What Database expression transforms the input to the output?
A Database On Table Row listener retrieves data from a CUSTOMER table that contains a primary key userjd column and an increasing kxjin_date_time column. Neither column allows duplicate values.
How should the listener be configured so it retrieves each row at most one time?
An organization is beginning to follow Mulesoft's recommended API led connectivity approach to use modern API to support the development and lifecycle of the integration solutions and to close the IT delivery gap.
What distinguishes between how modern API's are organized in a MuleSoft recommended API-led connectivity approach as compared to other common enterprise integration solutions?
Refer to the exhibit.
The default scope in choice router recursively calls the color flow.
A web client sends a PUT request to the HTTP listener with payload Blue.
What response is returned to the web client?
Refer to the exhibit.
What can be added to the flow to persist data across different flow executions?
A Utility.dwl file is located in a Mule project at src/main/resources/modules. The Utility.dwl hie defines a function named pascalize that reformats strings to pascal case.
What is the correct DataWeave to call the pascalize function in a Transform Message component?
Refer to the exhibits.
What payload and quantity are logged at the end of the main flow?
There are three routes configured for Scatter-Gather and incoming event has a payload is an Array of three objects. How routing will take place in this scenario?
Which file is used to define the interface contract to invoke a web service implemented as a SOAP service
Refer to the exhibit.
How many private flows does APIKIT generate from the RAML specification?
Refer to the exhibits.
The Batch Job scope contains two Batch Steps scopes with different accept expression.
The input payload is passed to the Batch Job scope.
After the entire payload is processed by the batch job scope , what messages have been logged by the Logger component?
Refer to the exhibit.
What Database expression transforms the input to the output?
Refer to the exhibit.
The Mule application's connectors are configured with property placeholders whose values are set in the config.yaml file
What must be added to the Mule application to link the config.yaml file's values with the property placeholders?
From which application , Organization Administrators can approve/revoke/delete SLA tier access requests
Refer to the exhibits. A database Address table contains a ZIPCODE column and an increasing ID column. The Address table currently contains tour (4) records. The On Table Row Database listener is configured with its watermark set to the Address table's ZIPCODE column and then the Mule application is run in Anypoint Studio tor the first time, and the On Table Row Database listener polls the Address table.
Anew row is added to the database with 1D=5 and ZIPCODE-90006, and then the On Table Row Database listener polls the database again.
Alter the next execution of the On Table Row Database listener polling, what database rows have been processed by the Mule flow since the Mule application was started?
Refer to the exhibit.
How should the WHERE clause be changed to set the city and state values from the configured input parameters?
Refer to the exhibits.
A web client sends a GET request to the HTTP Listener.
What response message is returned to the web client?
A Batch Job scope has five batch steps. An event processor throws an error in the second batch step because the input data is incomplete. What is the default behavior of the batch job after the error is thrown?
Refer to the exhibits.
The Set Variable transformer is set with value #[ [ first "Max" last "Mule"} ].
What is a valid DataWeave expression to set as the message attribute of the Logger to access the value "Max" from the Mule event?
As a part of requirement , application property defined below needs to be accessed as dataweave expression. What is the correct expression to map it to port value?
An organization's Center for enablement (C4E)has built foundational assets (API specifications and implementation templates, common frameworks, and best practices guides) and published them to Anypoint Exchange.
What is a metric related to these foundational assets that helps the organization measure the success of it's C4E efforts?
A web client sends one GET request to the test flow's HTTP Listener, which causes the test flow to call the updateTemp flow After the test flow returns a response, the web client then sends a different GET request to trie getTemp flow's HTTP Listener The test flow is not called a second time.
What response is returned from the request to the getTemp flow's HTTP Listener?
Refer to the exhibit.
All three of the condition for the Choice router are true. What log messages are written?
What happens to the attributes of a Mule event in a flow after an outbound HTTP Request is made?
What is the correct Syntax to add a customer ID as a URI parameter in the HTTP listener's path attribute?
Refer to the exhibits.
What is valid text to set the field in the Database connector configuration to the username value specified in the config.yaml file?
As a part of project requirement , you want to build an API for a legacy client. Legacy client can only consume SOAP webservices. Which type the interface documentation can be prepared to meet the requirement?
Refer to the exhibits.
A web client submits a request to http://localhQst:8081 /flights. What is the result at the end of the flow?
Refer to the exhibits.
A Mule application has an HTTP Request that is configured with hardcoded values. To change this, the Mule application is configured to use a properties file named config.yaml.
what valid expression can the HTTP Request host value be set to so that it is no longer hardcoded?
Refer to the exhibits.
A web client submits the request to the HTTP Listener. What response message would be returned to web client?
Which of the below is used by Mule application to manage dependencies which make sharing the projects lightweight and easier?
A flow has a JMS Publish consume operation followed by a JMS Publish operation. Both of these operations have the default configurations. Which operation is asynchronous and which one is synchronous?
What payload is returned by a Database SELECT operation that does not match any rows in the database?
A Mule application's HTTP Listener is configured with the HTTP protocol. The HTTP listeners port attribute is configured with a property placeholder named http.port. The mule application sets the http.port property placeholder's value to 9090
The Mule application is deployed to CloudHub without setting any properties in the Runtime manager Properties tab and a log message reports the status of the HTTP listener after the Mule application deployment completes.
After the mule applications is deployed, what information is reported in the worker logs related to the port on which the Mule application's HTTP Listener listens?
A mule project contains MySQL database dependency . The project is exported from Anypoint Studio so that it can be deployed to Cloudhub. What export options needs to be selected to create the smallest deployable archive that will successfully deploy to Cloudhub?
Refer to the exhibits. In the color flow , both the variable named color and payload are set to "red".
An HTTP POST request is then sent to the decideColor flow's HTTP Listener.
What is the payload value at the Logger component after the HTTP request completes?
What is the correct way to format the decimal 200.1234 as a string to two decimal places?
An API was designed in API Designer, published to Anypoint Exchange, then imported into API Manager.
A Mule application implements this API and is deployed to CloudHub. API Manager manages this deployed API implementation.
What is the easiest and most idiomatic (used for its intended purpose) way to enforce a Client ID Enforcement policy on this Mule application?
Refer to the exhibit.
In the execution of the Scatter_Gather, the flow1 route completes after 10 seconds and the flow2 route completes after 20 seconds.
How many seconds does it take for the Scatter_Gather to complete?