Assuming that the code below has been placed inside a file named and executed successfully, which of the following expressions evaluate to True? (Select two answers)
Assuming that String is six or more letters long, the following slice
is shorter than the original string by:
What is the expected output of the following code if the file named existing_text_file is a non-zero length text file located inside the working directory?
The following class definition is given. We want the show () method to invoke the get () method, and then output the value the get () method returns. Which of the invocations should be used instead of XXX?
With regards to the directory structure below, select the proper forms of the directives in order to import module_c. (Select two answers)
Assuming that the following piece of code has been executed successfully, which of the expressions evaluate to True? (Select two answers)
What is the expected behavior of the following code?
x = 8 ** (1/3)
y = 2. if x < 2.3 else 3.