True or False: The Scrum framework already contains elements that create a pull system.
Which of the following should NOT be in the Definition of Workflow?
(choose the best answer)
What is true about the Sprint Goal if the Developers reserve capacity for unplanned work during
an upcoming sprint?
(choose the best answer)
What is the flow metric used to forecast how many items will be done for a date?
In which of these situations should the Scrum Team adjust their Work in Progress (WIP) Limits?
What is a probabilistic forecast intended to communicate?
(choose the best answer)
True or False: If you reduce your batch size, your overall efficiency will always increase.
True or False: Work Item Age is a leading indicator for the length of the Scrum Team's
feedback loop for that (in progress) item.
Which of the following metrics are likely to be reviewed during flow-based Daily Scrum?
(choose the best two answers)
True or False: The Scrum Framework contains elements that can be treated as explicit
Which statements best describe the purpose of a Scrum Team’s Definition of Workflow?
(Choose the best three answers)
What are possible benefits of supplementing Scrum with Kanban practices?
(choose the best four answers)
True or False: A Scrum Team using Kanban does not need to craft a Sprint Goal during Sprint Planning. They can instead create one “on-demand” as new work flows into the Sprint Backlog.
Upon which of the five Scrum Values does Professional Scrum with Kanban build?
(choose the best three answers)