Following the installation of ES, an admin configured users with the ess_user role the ability to close notable events.
How would the admin restrict these users from being able to change the status of Resolved notable events to Closed?
After data is ingested, which data management step is essential to ensure raw data can be accelerated by a Data Model and used by ES?
When creating custom correlation searches, what format is used to embed field values in the title, description, and drill-down fields of a notable event?
Which setting is used in indexes.conf to specify alternate locations for accelerated storage?
Both “Recommended Actions” and “Adaptive Response Actions” use adaptive response. How do they differ?
A customer site is experiencing poor performance. The UI response time is high and searches take a very long time to run. Some operations time out and there are errors in the scheduler logs, indicating too many concurrent searches are being started. 6 total correlation searches are scheduled and they have already been tuned to weed out false positives.
Which of the following options is most likely to help performance?
Which of the following features can the Add-on Builder configure in a new add-on?
ES apps and add-ons from $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps should be copied from the staging instance to what location on the cluster deployer instance?
Which argument to the | tstats command restricts the search to summarized data only?
Enterprise Security’s dashboards primarily pull data from what type of knowledge object?
Following the Installation of ES, an admin configured Leers with the ©ss_uso r role the ability to close notable events. How would the admin restrict these users from being able to change the status of Resolved notable events to closed?
Which of the following is a risk of using the Auto Deployment feature of Distributed Configuration Management to distribute indexes.conf?
Which of the following would allow an add-on to be automatically imported into Splunk Enterprise Security?
Which correlation search feature is used to throttle the creation of notable events?
At what point in the ES installation process should Splunk_TA_ForIndexes.spl be deployed to the indexers?