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Adobe AD0-E556 Dumps Questions Answers

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Last Update: Feb 21, 2025
50 Questions
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Adobe AD0-E556 Exam Dumps FAQs

The Adobe AD0-E556, also known as the Adobe Marketo Engage Architect Master exam, is designed for experienced users. It assesses your knowledge of Marketo Engage architecture, best practices, and advanced features.
The AD0-E556 exam is intended for professionals with approximately 6 months of hands-on experience. Its suitable for roles such as Campaign Operations Specialists, Database Marketing Managers, Digital Marketing Specialists, and more.

The AD0-E556 exam delves into advanced Marketo Engage architecture, including:

  • Multi-Instance Management
  • Server-Side Scripting (MSS)
  • Custom Activities and Landing Pages
  • Marketing Attribution Modeling
  • Security and Governance
The AD0-E556 exam consists of 50 questions, and you have 110 minutes to complete it.
The passing score for the AD0-E556 exam is 70%.

While both the Adobe AD0-E556 and AD0-E559 exams assess proficiency in Adobe Marketo Engage, they cater to different levels of expertise and career goals.

  • Adobe AD0-E556: The Adobe AD0-E556 Exam focuses on Advanced architectural concepts, including multi-instance management, MSS, custom activities, and marketing attribution modeling.
  • Adobe AD0-E559: The Adobe AD0-E559 Exam focuses on Core Marketo Engage functionalities, such as campaign creation, lead nurturing, and data management.
Yes, Marks4sure provides AD0-E556 study guides and AD0-E556 PDF questions to help you prepare for the exam. Our web-based and desktop AD0-E556 practice tests highlight weak areas in your preparation.
Marks4sure offers a user-friendly platform. Simply add the desired study materials (practice tests, PDF questions, study guide.) to your cart and proceed with a secure payment method. Our smooth purchasing process ensures instant access to your chosen AD0-E556 study materials, allowing you to start studying right away.
Marks4sure offers a success guarantee for the Adobe AD0-E556 exam. We provide high-quality study materials, including AD0-E556 real questions and AD0-E556 exam dumps, to ensure you are fully prepared. Our AD0-E556 study materials are designed to give you the best chance of passing the exam on your first attempt.

Adobe Marketo Engage Architect Questions and Answers

Questions 1

An enterprise software company sells its products directly to its B2B customers but also sells their product through third-party sellers. The company runs marketing campaigns directly to their B2B target audience. They also provide funds to the third-party sellers to run campaigns on the company's behalf. In return, the leads and engagement are provided by the third-party seller when a campaign is complete. Any data must be passed to Salesforce due to reporting being done in Salesforce.

Programs and channels should be set up to report on the efficacy of direct marketing and investment to third-party seller/partner marketing to determine how budget should be spent the following year.

How should this requirement be met?



Two sets of event based channels should be created: one set for direct marketing and the otherfor third-party seller marketing


One set of channels should be created, and separate program statuses should be used to designate Direct or Partner


One set of channels should be created, and a tag should be used to determine Direct or Partner

Questions 2

When reviewing completion of a REST API Webhook, two URLs can be used to perform an initial validation and make sure leads will pass correctly.

Which two combinations of URL and associated parameters should be used to validate the REST API? (Choose two.)



Endpoint URL with Client ID, Your Email Address, and Client Secret


Identity URL with Client Score and Client ID


Endpoint URL with Access Token and Your Email Address


Endpoint URL with Access Token and Client ID


Identity URL with Client ID and Client Secret

Questions 3

An Adobe Marketo Engage Consultant is reviewing all programs in an instance. Each campaign in each program contains at least three flow steps:

• If Acquisition Program is Empty, change Acquisition Program to the current program's name

• Change the status in the program (based on the action)

• Write an Interesting Moment

These flow steps happen in almost every campaign.

How can the Consultant edit the programs for scalability and efficiency?



Create global Interesting Moments campaigns based on specific triggers and using tokens


Create a global program and coordinating campaigns to update the acquisition program to the latest program touched


Remove the program status change because this will be handled by the Acquisition Program update

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